Search Results

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Products found: 5New Search
DIN/ PIN/ NPNGeneric NameBrand Name, Strength & Dosage FormMFRDrug Benefit Price or Unit PriceAmount MOH PaysInter- change- ableLimited UseThera- peutic Notes
02546434DILTIAZEM HCLM-Diltiazem T 120mg SR CapMAT0.21330.2133YESNONO
02546442DILTIAZEM HCLM-Diltiazem T 180mg SR CapMAT0.28890.2889YESNONO
02546477DILTIAZEM HCLM-Diltiazem T 360mg SR CapMAT0.57780.5778YESNONO
02546469DILTIAZEM HCLM-Diltiazem T 300mg SR CapMAT0.47200.4720YESNONO
02546450DILTIAZEM HCLM-Diltiazem T 240mg SR CapMAT0.38320.3832YESNONO